In truly a parallel world, the first truly effective submarine communication cable between London and New York was completed in July 1866 ; The Battle of Konniggratz raged. Trader slang in the Pound sterling-US Dollar exchange fix termed cable, the first 'undersea' rate lay published in The Times, London on August the 10th, pre The Prague Peace.
Afterwards, the Imperial Cable Network, the Roman roads of The Empire, edged frantically on, to reach New Zealand soil in 1876 from Sydney. What, or gained motion of note ? In October 1851, Reuters opened his Submarine Telegraph Office. A month on he obtained a contract with the London Stock Exchange, to table key European share prices, daily.
Of more military import, in 1865 he promoted The Reuters Telegram Company Ltd, to become reputed in stern Europa for being ever the first with a news flash ; vital for Prussia... and to what extent were the events more than coincidental ? At The Battle of Konniggratz, mostly Commanders roared, or rode a form of High German, Hochdeutsch, or Standard
High German ; the infantry by repute, rang dialect variants. This was a battle of the German-speaking world : the torch of power passed from Vienna to Berlin is a quotation, and, then to The Junker. Did Konniggratz make Hitler feasible ? and given events turn to The Battle of Britain, and to 1940. We are, here, though, getting ahead of events, and of Otto..
sadly, the vision of Otto von Bismarck did not extend unto The United States of Germany, nor can that configure now. On January 18th 1871, The German Reich, as a unification was proclaimed at The Palace of Versailles, by no less than King Wilhelm I, a Hohenzollern, and the above named, for The Kingdom Of Prussia. They : a painting of Konniggratz
The Battle thereof. There were twenty five member States, led by Prussia. A truthful name might have been Die Reich Preussen. The 'German Reich' is thought to mean 'Empire' but, apparently, can translate as 'realm' or 'reach' ; and for a continuing, unitary German volk. This, untrue in Bavaria where the busty, dirndl-wearing young women are comely
compared to the chaste, severe women of drearing Prussia. Bismarck, the terror of London, wanted a unitary concept. The joke ran : Prussia was an army, looking for a country ; which became jealous of the mighty, great British Empire. There are several terrifying paintings of The Proclamation Of The German Empire by one Anton von Werner, seeing
The Triumph of The Junkers, for a period with significant, hidden power over the Ostelbien, in The Hall of Mirrors ; I need not add to the history. Anton was from Ostpreussen. With many a beard and much ferocity, do they look tribal ? Their demise was in 1945. Otto von Bismarck, the famous Junker, was Chancellor of the Reich Preussen 1871-1890.
I now quote from my source book Prussia Art Architecture (Konemann, Cologne 1999), an Anglo-German production. 'King Wilhelm 1 of Prussia becomes Emperor of Germany on January 18th, 1871 in The Hall of Mirrors, at Versailles. The imperial German Reich is a confederation of states sub (under) Prussian hegemony, with the Emperor as supreme
military commander. The Hohenzollerns rule Brandenburg- Prussia from 1415-1918.' In the paintings by Anton Werner, the warlords are in full uniform regalia, ebullient, powered by major victory in The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. Many a sword is raised, or clashed, saluting ; there, uproar. Great, boring speeches were made to much clapping. Heirs
of the depicted led, by 1916 to the Empire being effectively a military dictatorship sub the control of Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg (he who, later, propelled Hitler into power) and General Erich Ludendorf. By August, of meat-grinding at Verdun, a siege meant to bleed France to death, had to go on, failing ; Albion arrived to bleed to death on The Somme.
Has Lord Van run out of brandy yet, from agony in Denham and has Joan fallen asleep, in The Drawing Room, who told me, in the last month of her life, she adored Prussia ; but, so after Joan hit what The Red Army had done, in Pomerania, first-hand. ( A quarter of the civilian population murdered ). What is our timeline ? Long after Londinium was ordered,
and Albion nurtured a Roman Villa civilization, and Bath, but just before we lived again in the Romanesque Norman Conquest, of 1066, the narrative for Brandenburg-Prussia begins, publicly, from 928 A.D. 'Marcher' territories were arranged, and The Slav packed off east by Saxon warriors, ironically, as The Norman rescued Albion from the Saxon.
From 1226, The Teutonic Knights do govern East Prussia ; in 1299, the oldest recorded school, teaching Latin, in The March of Brandenburg-Prussia is, indeed, "Marienschule" in Spandau. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) would chortle. He knew of that world. I quote from The Prologue (1380s) to The Canterbury Tales, in The Knight's Tale. There was...
At Alisaundre he was, whan it was wonne ; Ful ofte tyme he hadde the bord bigonne Aboven alle naciouns in Pruce. In Lettow hadde he reysed, and in Ruce. No Cristen man so ofte of his degree. To gloss, he would sit at the head of the table, in Pruce ..
even in Lithuania, and in Russia. Chaucer was trilingual. How might Chaucer have known ? From 1374 -1389, he was Controller of Customs in the Port of London. There lay the Steelyard, or Stalhof, a Kontor of The Hanseatic League. 400 of their merchants lived in a self-governing enclave ; the first London Survey reference, dated 1382.
The main trading points, c.1400, were Hamburg, Lubeck, Danzig, Riga ; Novgorod. Stralsund, notable ; The Brick Gothic Road, on The Baltic remains poignant, forbidding. In 1525, The Teutonic Knight's rule in which later is East Prussia, is reconstituted, as The Duchy of Prussia, under the suzerainty of Poland, for a while, one can say, wryly.
The configuring, and the re-configuring can be a puzzle, on the road to Sedan. Our time-picturing can be startling. 1237 is considered to be the foundation date for Berlin ; for Konigsberg, of the Knights' on The Baltic Crusades, 1255, more than one thousand, two hundred years after Londinium grew. They were never in The Holy Roman
Empire, like Teutonia. To more a jigsaw: Hohenzollern Castle, far in the west is even now in excellent condition. The House of devolved into two : the Catholic, Swabian branch, and the Protestant Franconian branch. After 1618 The Margravate of Brandenburg, ruled in personal union, and The Duchy of Prussia, became Brandenburg-Prussia.
During The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) The Court of Hohenzollern fled to Konigsberg, a Lutheran publisher stronghold ; Berlin had gone officially Lutheran in 1539. Prussia, a deceptive name, battled with Catholic Bavaria. De facto the Pruce were a pagan Baltic tribe, conquered. Prussia became a code name for the Hohenzollern Lands.
In 1701, The Kingdom of Prussia was declared, of King Wilhelm 1. The Coronation City had to be Konigsberg, and thus unto 1871. The Palaces, in Berlin and Potsdam from 1433. No longer, a need for Brandenburg Electors of The Hohenzollerns, a start point on the way to power. The Hohenzollern Court kept further out east until 1783.
Why ? Proper conquest had to begin, concluded in 1871.
It all began in conquering Silesia in the First Silesian War in 1742, the first of three such Wars, taking territory from Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. Or, the Hohenzollens beat The Habsburgs and The Holy Roman Empire.....