Tilbury Fort
To glow-purify Albion with Elizabethan splendour, pre the doomy Jacobean
goldens the imagination back to The Forest of Arden and corn growing, in the garden.
The Spanish Armada broken, the English Chanel kept open Queen Elizabeth addressed her troops
like Athena, Britomartis in August 1588, each Crucifixion crumpet
drawn clear of a searing trumpet beholden to Rome, by the Fort though Elizabeth, fine at Latin
bled, for Mary in her coffin. From Tilbury Fort, she rode stalwart ; Mary lipped at execution.
In her reign, many a martyr in agony at the fire after dreading their capture.
February 1st/ 11th 2025 all
Holocaust Russian
Lenin drove le haute bourgeoisie to death, killing the annuity, starved shivering in a cupboard ; gone, their ever-praised artefact after he broke The Banking Pact in a system, and put the urban poor to suffering from famine, there being no means of exchange for the kulak, out on the range. An estimate : sixty million dead, from Russian Revolution to strangled Europa, from the tragedy of Yalta.. * Leaving the whited Palatial robbed of every valuable. Every Marxist is a killer. Did one thing lead to another ? Communism, a kind of ether with never a rasping breather.
Lenin and Hitler went screeching to get the plebeian breaching. Too many had to go beaching.
February 1st/11th
Tractor Lenin
Lenin needed all of the grain railed as free, from lean Ukraine. Except to say, hidden away lay nothing in the loading bay
apart from a crumb, for a rat and wherever a pigeon frat.
Albion Betrayal 2
The breaching of every border creating civil disorder, an entire Establishment fingering : No, for Parliament.
Which was, to parley, to comment with occasional behaviour and not even misbehaviour, with none acting as the saviour.
Who, on earth, can now save Barking ? where, once, we could go mud-larking. Arise, oh breezy Clacton Man ! Get ready to sound the klaxon.
The Droner wordplay
Michael Goldfarb : stooge of The Jew with stolen gold, and the fable keeping a truth off the table and rarely singing in the Pew.
Melancholy American here, sounding Liverpudlian. Worse : Red, snivelling Eagleton, slack-jawed, antediluvian.
Worse : Bradbury, avuncular full of the poison from Labour. No to silence, Primo Levi. Ignoring the totality
of the plentiful horrific, depriving them of dignity whilst mournful soporific. Not the only fatality.
No poetry after Auschwitz ? In a way, a gift to The Blitz.
February 1st/5th/12th
Afterburner Thoughts
Do you argue the quality of the terror, or the scale
of numbering in the horror ? Oh, it was so European !
but, earlier : of Tsar Russian ? Never fatigue, our compassion
comprehending, to no ending.
February 12th
Old Bailey Verdict 5 am dream vision
Met. Chief Hogan-Howe, who spaded the Manse of a British Army General, and in Hampshire, and who conspired against C, has now to share a prison cell with Starmer, for entirely failing to boom Defence spending to the Washington, Trump level.
" Both men are guilty of treason, were unable to reason. Their sentence to be unending : this country is worth defending. Was Theresa May complicit in a wrongful Police visit ? " Feb 4th Thus the QC, stentorian.
" If you warrant an Appeal you bow to The Privy Council. You have read, it will be assumed Seventh Baron Rokeby Presumed. Right now, Guards, you must take them down." Out on Salisbury Plain, town temporary for a traitor, The Tower being now too full. At last, our people are hopeful for the return of Albion. Feb 13th
Wednesday Sermon
A Gym-honed way to salvation : through suffering, and discipline even if on a trampoline. Does The Debauched Party teach it ? instead of the easy fixit and paying a parking ticket, the core of the dawning sermon delivered in The Mass with clothes on. ( Streetpath, a Moslem trod yawning, after rutting for more spawning ). I must stop the endless doodle, and think of buying a poodle.
Why, Lost The Pot Curry Noodle ? endeavouring to punt the riddle. I agon, for the sound of a fiddle. Or pause on. Croissant, or wafer ? one dawn quandary, Martina.
Feb 5th/ Feb 13th German Authority
My father, a Commander of the BAOR-HQ Herford, North-Rhine Westphalia in the year Western Germany joined NATO : nineteen fifty-five ; all to defend The British Zone soon after the death of Stalin, many happy to be alive. Arms warehived by Montgomery ex Wehrmacht, to the Bundeswehr.
( Who died in his own urine, loathed greatly in Thuringia ? ).
The Blather Party
The promoting diversity in each stone University a promoting idiocy. Better to teach them all English to stop them sounding so foolish.
( Blather has a hollow centre never having had a mentor ).
February 8th/14th
Complaint Herbertian after George (1593-1633)
Who, linked, destroy my life daily ? Beyond '29, The Lehman bust of '08 duplicity. The Federal mendacity ? By Eton Villas, Eton Road Synagogue at The Anglican ragstone country Church on a hill, overbearing, higher ; until. The vast, domineering Rabbi can only have himself to blame. No green : they, not Albionistas ( with our Jerusalem vistas ) and, raw, agents provocateurs ? You need garden, for piety : they have no chipper secateurs. I cannot end on an odd number. ( They destroyed Capitalism with many a Goldman spasm ).
Feb 1st/11th/18th
British Brainwashing Corp.
covering up cozy, cozy the criminal conspiracy. Joan did so deride the pansy, and a wastrel debauchery or, should I use the word detest ? I did not join The Cavalry and become a Royal Lancer, never attended a rally or rebel, as a lean dancer remaining out of favour with a cuz complaint from Sarah. Never got oh ! cozy, cozy a word much garnered by Rita fearful in Lithuania. Beeb spoke, undoing our nation, detesting anything rosy in making everyone dozy, never banding frustration. ( The future is blandly hazy warped by the digital daisy ). What can I write in line twenty ?
February 12th/18th Platonic Jest for Reform Farage
Logic answering le probleme : either deport them, or kill them. The Population explosion found destroying green Albion and causing our bankrupting with many a sad removal, fervent living too much trouble even with bolder eventing. Redacted : my line about breeding. You said it. Their sterilizing ? Sad : Albion ; the alien. If you cannot beat them, jar them ? Farage, bond research, the trendy they rummage inflationary. ( Needed, a great deal of weeding and an end to all breast-feeding. )
The Conundrum, Warsi
Population catastrophe and with no more efficiency and with an end to our liberty and no jobs for the enemy. Move on out, Baroness Warsi. Albion : about The Holy, and the vibrant, One Trinity and green into infinity. Not about superfluity, nor consumer economy.
February 12th
On February 12th
True, all you have is a moment and wanting to avoid torment. Sadly, the road to Aquitaine ran constrained by the Visa stain. And what if I hit a Red Flag ? to end in an arctic Gulag.
Leaving The Green a Swiftian diatribe
No, to New Town idiocy for a gibbering peasantry long tired of The Papacy and taught awful from infancy, unaware of formality in casual barbarity, living for triviality surviving by mendacity, pretending they own a City internet triviality verging on bestiality and over-familiarity, gaming to brighten the silly. Ghastly, the dodgy family only eating by The Telly, chewing in the bowling alley every third girl a Jackie, and I am not rhyming pantie. Summa here, of grotesquerie and some brain-dead digerati. Untried, spirituality, Italian sensuality. Move on, to the maccaroni and the choco baglioni ! I once loved a girl called Wendy. What, now, is perfectly trendy ?
February 14th
Old Town for Patricia
We live wanting fewer people. We need max better people, favouring The Church steeple rather than a lit pool table craving a horse in the stable that grew out of Roman marble, loving a Biblical fable, working harder to be able, never tolerate a foible. Orangeade is enjoyable and our water music, Handel. Our centrum is a village green, a pure luminosity, seen which we plaudit for the has-been. We loathe a noisy machine. Is our drama in-between ?
February 14th
Advice For PM after Ben Jonson
To retain your gravitas, grave never bare the home, misbehave. Better to have, than not to have. Popularity, do not crave. Advance with a Christian stave, and punish the grovelling knave. Is it Arsenal that you crave ? Your ardour is to fund the brave.
Ed Miliband Zero a protest
You, on the list of arrested for treason : Egdon must return. ( I bought for The Gainsborough Trench ; am now sitting on a park bench ). What might happen, on Tower Green ? You stumble, to become unseen. My life's work on Aim, taken, gone. Many must be compensated, they, living in a state of dread and, poorer, as the living dead.
February 15th
Plaisir Plus Fort after Prevert
Un espresso double, chez Lille International changement la' pour le TGV train pour Bordeaux. Dans un minute : jolie ! Le douceur de la vie...
Fevrier le Quinze
Case For Demolition an impromptu
How many people, in Milton Keynes, read Eliot once a month ? and foray a Church, once a week. One may say : George, or TSE. Of course, none of them played football but explored with silent footfall or ever, drunk, fell off a stool. No going shopping made them drool then felt good at playing the fool. No children bingeing hide-and-seek. A Paradise Lost disaster, the horror of E.M. Forster ; for a sports-loving Minister, sci-fi evolved and sinister. The height of originality lies in a meandering, uncouth. Lost on many a roundabout the soul nowhere, in transit and starting to feel dizzy ; survival, a staying busy. In Milton Keynes, they love Stilton or snort cocaine on a futon. There is no carpet from Wilton and time to put on a button. * An afternoon premonition argument for demolition. Is being Gothic rebellion ? Do the grids leading to grid squares proliferate major nightmares ? and with no centre, tearful fears. Multiplying, the rectangle has many a Roman angle... * Will The Camden Goths run riot ? Joke heard, from T.S. Eliot... February 16th new so fresh edit maybe do i now open Sunak 3