We have to talk with Germany because, ever there ; and, Russia.. The known bombing of Coventry
a mistake, but target fogging switched off, to protect Enigma. The Luftwaffe, easy beaming.
Coventry, a Lusitania ? Later, Dresden, The Lancaster. Not The Kingdom of Saxony.
Or, did a girl take the night off ?
Denuded (MK2)
A gridding, with no crumb centre no more than a traffic island, the avian wheeling over
the triumphal avenue bland as we thirst for holy water, turn away from the marching band.
I want to go to a bandstand, and enjoy the day as she planned.
* Is the terza rima well known ? More than one explosion, all blown.
February 16th
Stargate February 23rd
The tree bare made a bigger sky.
February War Ditty after Macneice
Prussia mort, all is forgiven ! Russia, bled, the fed aggressor and we need to become driven
or, one might say, made of iron like the Chancellor, or Thatcher who might fill Putin with terror.
This is no time for an error. Someone will not be forgiven.
February 19th/ March 4th
Triplet For Trump for The London Times
Zelenskyy was our thin red line to protect us from Die Ivan, the terror of Pomerania. ( No way, to abandon Ramstein ).
February 20th
The Idiot Boris
The stupidest thing you said ? Gobbed you were anti-busyness while going into the red. You look good wearing a black fez. Net immigration to zero ? yet you tried to play the hero.
February 23rd
Over Breakfast Quatrains
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact cast a shadow over the fact London, the balance of power not a mere missile flyover.
For Germany, The British Zone forever part of Albion. The huge danger in Trumpism is Putin triumphalism,
a victory arch in Kyiv after many a be-flagged grave. The young women are in tears at a desolation of years.
February 23rd
'America First'
What is driving Trump ? Nuclear warring fear over Alaska ? Divisions in Bavaria ?
I have seen the Tanks encampment gone en route to Bohemia ; heard The Voice of America.
The Fall of Ukraine a moment of more danger of entrapment were this the SHAEF predicament.
NATO is supra-national : a departure, Congressional...
VAR founded Feb 1st 1942; Cold War
February 24th/ last couplets March 4th
The Big Picture for Colonel Guy Long Shaef Nato NRW
To view : North Atlantic Treaty Organization, from SHAEF. Trump is bound by wartime Treaty ; not by a Washington leafy
and an arching Christian faith. We voyaged with God on our side to enter the Normandy tide, and sandy waters gone blood-red
to rake every chicken-shed, in Operation Overlord to put the devil to the sword, some having to pull a ripcord.
Colonel Guy Long bought for Thatcher to stop Russia going too far. I met him, with Joan, for a lunch at a Base, heard The Antwerp scrunch.
Silenzio...coal, Polish, J
Diagnostic for The BAOR
Need a Christian Germany not one ruined, multi-culti of The CDU and AFD
from mutter Angela Merkel and The British Army Colonel to keep on avoiding trouble.
February 24th/ March 6th
Unam Apostolicam Ecclesiam
Dignus, et aptus decorum pro le ferus : Catholicam. Agnus Dei, dona pacem.
( I am referring to The Lamb who, as of Christ, became sanctam ). Ferus, as in feral, their jam.
February 25th
On July 15th 1965
For our Queen : 'A Mounted Parade of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers Achmer Heath, Osnabruck '.
Glorious the Liberation ! Ready, The Soviet Union who, tanked up, thought they had it made.
Our Sloane officers were chancers, or tumbler in the rugger ruck. Large print by James Haworth, London.
Feb 25th/ March 7th
America Degenerate A Sonnet for Vance
Many have to be awoken ! Tough, your Christians In Action have to arrest each Kardashian : they are an abomination. Vast American obesity, a taxable obscenity. What do they think in New England ? Of pornography to be banned, a hand-held weakening the mind. Return to the lap-top, to bind ! David Lynch, Film, thought a smartphone a mutation for the alone. What of a going Latino made America fight solo ?
February 26th/ March 7th
Germanic Tribes
Roemer - N.R.W. de facto : The Romans wanted, on the right of The Rhine, as far as the Elbe for The Roman Empire. Advanced along the Lippe, and the Hellweg. Had an overwhelming defeat : Publius Varus, 9 AD at Kalkriese in the Wiehen Hills. Roman rule ended on the right bank of The Rhine, for Tiberius. Four Legions remained NRW. Cologne, then, a Colonia. From 400 AD onwards Legions left The Rhine Provinces. In 460 AD, Cologne conquered by The Franks ; Trier was altered by 475. The Porta Nigra did survive. A Roman road network, active.
February 26th