Housing Target
Not one and a half million awkward houses but fewer people.
Tourist Mecca mud-brick 'place of armour'
Diriyah, Saudi : not a place for the mega rave or lover of wine.
July 9th
Decentred after TSE
Life, media hell of the distraction gabble with no cantata.
They Fled Africa for Cecil and Molly my Grandmother 'Julia, I have the answer. We must rebirth bread-full Rhodesia' bread basket of Africa
July 11th
Response Haiku cf Abolition of The Lords
The Heritage Peer dead, a road to a frantic assassination.
V-Day : October 7
The day of vengeance far better left to the tides of raft October.
Cappuccino Joke
Did you know, my beau Julia, the CIA might solve our problem !
Breakfast Rambler
Julie : for starters we ought to play fair. Allow their one hundred days.
Le Grand Retour
We pipe tons of Pims avant heading to our Gyms ou filles cram their things !
Chez La Table Grande
Les mots conveying greatest dread from my father : Suez, et Berlin.
The London Curia im cher Kate Melvin
A minority Cult cannot foil The Lords, well bred, born to rule. 'we were'
Thesis Kate M wip-linguistics
A writer brillant of Latinate prose, foretold our language splitting. to ungovernable
July 13th
July Sunday
I caught three foxes aligned with lawn, sunbathing on holy morning.
July 14th
After A Climb
Reading Montale, Eugenio on the square backing St Jude on-the-hill a beatitude.
Thank you, Henrietta Dame Barnett
I reached great Beauty on my Oyster card ex Heath, Edwin Lutyens. (1869-1944; built St Jude)
Bin The Sinful parodic of the Muslim
They refute beauty, or, deny and the woman linear eager in music. or, blissful
Istanbul, But 1453+
Antemurale Christianitatis gone, Al-Andelus won.
St Jude-on-the-Hill 1909-1935
Hybrid Byzantine, Gothic and Quattrocento Baltic Romanesque.
July 19th cf the killings in the Southport dance class
Interminably hot, like Sicily, catching fire in August.
July 20th
AI Visage
Artificial Spirit, a non sequitur as in a figure.
July 21st
Education Reform
Bring back the birch, cane deportment, elocution rigour for each class.
July 22nd
Joan Journal 1954
General Airey my father his ADC in Trieste a Godfather, nearly. I christened, Kensington.
The Christening
Why, in Kensington ? The Church near The Basil Street Hotel, for parents.
July 24th
Alexandra Palace (At)
A total grandeur, skyscape amazing over basin of London.
Palais D'Alexandra
Un grandeur totale, nuages incroyable sur basin de Londres.
July 25th
Ayrton House Mill Hill on The Ridgeway
So hubristic : might the green roof proffer target foray, RAF ? Bomber Command
What will the children say ? wondering why on earth the green is unseen.
The March To Finchley Hogarth (1750)
Where, the saving grace ? in spiky effrontery to a rabid geed.
The Mill Field c. 1350-1750
Time is about how you use time, not competing but expanding time. on The Ridgeway
July 27th finis
Nowa Huta 1949+
High Stalinism dug deep for steel production in Poland, Czecko.
Guardian Angel
For disaster time rather than ordinary time, and the turning. to Maria
July 28th
In Limbo
Can Hell be better than rotting in a ditch, life an abandoning ?
July 29th
Noted Briefly
Playing table-tennis at seven in the morning : Maitland Park Estate.
Memoranda, Finchley
The Christ-reformed Jew later, Catholic : read firm The New Testament.
Thunder From Hampstead by Fletcher
Christ : a reforming Jew, who over-hauled their Law and part, Trinity.
July 30th
Stucco Parfait
Purer than Potsdam, bombed, sadly Gloucester Terrace, on Regent's Park ; quasi Wedgewood. the statuary
Emperor Julianus A.D. 332-363
Roman Julian a pagan the Apostate, tried to quell Christianity.
August 20th for July 31st et finito