La Rentree' ou Rampant
Beneath her zebra cotton slash dress, Jennie marched loin shown, unused, bare.
September 2nd
Restituo De 1962
Londonderry House Park Lane and The Euston Arch, victim of barbarism. by British Rail
Albion Latinate for The King
Oh! The Nicene Creed was a max Latin proeme Old French being our Credo. 597 A.D.+
September 3rd
No Queue Fiddlers' Elbow
Their Goths driven back by the alienos : is that tautological ?
After Dachau for Joan contact in Hampstead
Settler in Sussex, Harvey Lee Miller, post war ex Bavaria loathed a horror lush. noun adjective switching
Brazenose Oxon (1975) my College 'up'
Red Jenifer Hart cf Oxford Spies (Burgh House) became a tart for Moscow with attic wireless. raided by M15
September 4th
Earl Grey Tea cf Internal Unrest Oxord 1975 (CT)
Agent Jenifer plush punted solidarity or, sang for with the working class. yet never went to Cowley
September 5th
The Octopus 1920's London plus
Chicago gangers have run amok in Barking, Tower blocks bunching.
Apartments Dizzying on The Creek
Buildings beautiful soar a marbled reprimand for humans mongrel
September 5th
Sunday The 8th
Dixit Maria by Hassler (1564-1612) The Anthem at Primrose Hill above The Gospel. or, rabble
September 8th
In Eastbury Tower at The Manor
I was a Tudor viewing Barking, north to south, modern, but the ghost. in there
September 9th
For Edith Wharton (3)
Disciplined living may not be in America, occasionally.
September Divert after E Dickinson
Parallel time time can be disconcerting, held in the trancer free.
September 10th
I am, I am MI9
Needing still saving : Jerusalem Albion cf Blake/Parry from Meccaism.
No Collecting
Squalor of Barking centre rather like Sicily, gone to litter, tin can.
Ultimate Frontage pour Macron
MI9 motto : Le contrat social est trisyllabic neccessaire pour tous.
Change Of Season
No more sunbathing terrace, reading Montale in September mid.
Prayer Production
What of Birmingham and The Library closing ? A Muslim death pit ?
September 11th
The Infestation for MI9
Art Gallery dead and Evensong at Silas because of the vermin.
September 14th
Ilford Blocks
Under, part people subjunctive to The Tower all domineering.
Market Undone
Romford : Historic Market Town. What evidence remaining thereof.
White Slave Trade ex Shanghai Aunt
A Kit obsession : Shuttleworth country virgin abducted (18th c.+ Waterloo Station.
September 15th
GDR Germany (City AM) from The BAOR
We must intervene to restore all the freedoms or, impose, or order of The British Zone.
September 17th ex The British Army of The Rhine
Jenny Raw joke not sore (in a 30s novel)
On Monday morning she strode, like a young woman weekend celibate thanks, Dolly
September 18th
The Addicted
Endlessly tapping above ground, under the ground like prize idiots.
Unter Den Linden
A column of light British tanks, with a banner freeing Brandenburg.
September 19th
Never Say Die ! ex Metro
Human Genome stored on tiny 5D crystal memoire in Hallstatt. salt cave Austria
For Demolition cf Slough (John Betjeman 1932)
Come friendly bombs, fall on half of Camden Goods Yard and dread Verdica.
In The 1930s
Strangler : no credit cards, the hard money the route to much starvation.
September 19th
The 1930s (2)
Got the Woolworth's girl in the rear, of The Roadhouse to rubber johnny !
Sado-Monetarism for Rachel debt 100 %+
For Ledge accounting ledgers to balance, many zombies have to die, soon-ish ! Maggie speaking
Restoration Divine for The RLH
King, your Poundbury for Pyrgo Palace, above Romford, your great task.
September 20th
Happy, Pointless after Beckett
Being so jolly without beagle, hockey-sticks is mere unhelpful for Roedean
MI9 (WW II) for Joan ex 'H.M.S. Pembroke' at New College Part their Headquarters : Athlone House, high by Hampstead for Lancaster crew. shot down, on the run training
At Sumy Ukraine
Only the city dogs can hear bombs incoming. A sudden howling... of the dogs
September 21st
Honey Moon Restive after Scott Fitzgerald
In vacation drift the vision interfering of wanton sail.. to spindrift
September 22nd
Fiona Grief Day for Kate in heaven
Two dead on Two Tree off Leigh-on-Sea Island, in late September both gone in their prime.
Angst Totale
Now, existential far west of Ukraine, Camden obliterated.
September 25th
Rogue Chancellor for Rachel and Hunt
Stealing from future generations, to repay debt for fattening. to buy votes
Haiku Denied for Israel and Southport
Deniers of life deserve to be denied life. They relish The End. cf October 7th
Coda Bardic after David Jones
Restore Albion ! to Albion, my mission divine, to save all.
Marine Dogma after Tennyson
Our Grand Fleet (Naval) had r^ole to be the equal role/roll pun hat on o of the next two Fleets.
September 28th
Language Game by St. John's
Moony Theresa, a Catholic from Bohemia, or a Czech girl in Hampstead.
Jutland David Beatty who lost Battlecruisers
Something is wrong with our Ships today. Why sinkings ? part redacted Carl Zeiss Jena. cf Dr Wolfgang Jahn dicta
Vivat Aequor Vitae for Mayor Marinell
The Seagrass meadows for marine life, vie in ninety years, halved.
September 30th finito finito nb once my line art (sic) was described by a leading Editor and critic as 'illusory points of rest in pursuit of infinity'. Such comment may apply to chains of Haiku
Nb 2 ref The Battle of Jutland (August 1916) and our Grand Fleet issues. Phase 1 range-finding in poor vis; Phase 2 Wikipedia comment on the 'overall German superiority in night fighting'. They had better lenses... MI6 came to favour all Carl Zeiss Jena binoculars.
next Portfolio : October Quips + Whips