October Quip for Jeremy Corbyn
What does Hezbollah rhyme with ? Allah, PLO with nowhere to go.
October 1st
Green Militia for Sian Berry Green M.P.
A County boot Guard, for London, praetorian or, Region M25 v. Untermenschen. oh Middlesex!
Crossword Puzzle for Baroness Manningham- Buller 'Five to MI9 and The British Army of The Rhine, a full rhyme. (?)
October 2nd
Politico Class for Clown Boris
The disaster class that led an exfiltration or, infiltration of the inhumane.
Education Secretary for Bridget Phillipson
To date, a silence on how to cue discipline. Glue Pidgin English.
Glance Visitation for Fiona
Sputnik Sweetheart by pbl. 1999-2001 Murakami, her given in my Library. her fave. novelist
For The BoE of Threadneedle Street
Keynes-ianism J.M.K (d. 1946) fed the horror of Milton denounced by E.M.F Keynes, field ruin. as in keening
Guilt Vision uno Confessio Amantis
Cherub from Chile over 16 on her back in the sauna ; I, in flagrante in Kentish Town
October 3rd
At Shoeburyness for Alison (from Heimat Essex) At end of season for East Beach, sea a shimmer, low cloud to azure.
Coast Path (England)
At last, the longed-for sound of waves falling on sand (by MOD Land).
Groin Estuarine Anti-boat boom
Distant, a Wind-farm beyond the veteran Thames Fort, the ship leaving.
October 4th cf Kingdom of Eastseaxe (587-824 AD)
From Brunswick
No society per Jane Austen in Southend, after Princess Caroline, her stay. in 1804
October 5th
Why Invest, Rachel
An eighty per cent borderline population. Many have to go.
October 5th
In Nightmare
Of the middle years without employment ; the crash. A voice : You were spared
At Sunday Lauds
The Friars chanted, in Latin. Ex a Rose Window : you redeemed yourself thanks to Fiona
October 6th
Reciting The Dead exc Kit Isolde Dick Joan and Tessa At St. Saviour, I had nine names to figure then, The Lord's Prayer.
Phoney Election dicta The Virgin Mary
Trial kept unheld at The Old Bailey of Gordon Brown, Hogan-Howe ; red gangster-ism. for the people to know
October 8th
Whipster Hickster cf 28 Days Later (2002)
Joke : no point flogging a dead horse, unless off course and, the rich hungry.
October 10th
At Southminster (Essex) Churchyard for Alison Great autumn sunlight on painted white clapboard, un- seen children playing.
October 11th composed on a bench in situ
Samedi Ennui
Is there a limit to ruin ? Quand le peuple lose comprehension ?
October 12th
Viva ! Viva ! Viva La
Little to live for but La Re'volution pace St Mary the Virgin PH favouring the green
Skyfill or, Skyblock
I wake to a rage at The Verdica Tower, killing a local artist the bulging wallet.
October 13th
Risk To Nato for M19 The Labour Party
More important than NATO ever, Arm ! priority shelved in the Budget. defence 3% of GDP
(The Battle) Of Maldon 991 A.D.
There I met my doom, in a Viva at Oxford for poor translation. Lonsdale ruddy, splenetic
October 13th
Notre Catastrophe
A mud Bolshevik Revolution, on the track. Oh ! Shosta dirging. Shostakovitch
Silicon Den for mass degenerate
The great befuddle putting everyone in a muddle, as partial people.
October 15th
Go Boy, Go ! Grow ! post The Red Conference
They all stumbled home to hangover, flat-lining debt, and our torpor.
October 15th
The Party Is Over for Rachel (ref 1946)
Designed solely for victors of WWII the patriot ; not traitor. Deny benefit if Jerusalem unsung
October 17th
Brownsville Treasury after Pope (The Dunciad)
You bastards murky in Brownite filth wallowing, miasma mire.
Nostalgie radio en France
I, a mere ruin comme Verlaine living in the ruins, pine for Caen, Normandy.
Pas De Bordeaux -Saint-Jean
Je suis desole plus deux accents avec pas de Aquitaine cette ete finis aussi avec deux accents
Desolation Row for Galignani Rue de Rivoli
Can devastation be made habitable ? low in the shattered row.
L'Enfer pour Macron
est Saxon-Arab Albion, savage pagan and Satan meler ou, melee (chapeau sur e un)
Barbara Hepworth Joan favorit et Daphne dur Maurier could only Cornwall. (overbought)
By Kenwood nee Caen Wood
I fathom Henry sculptor (1898-1986) Moore, not least for a grandeur abstract then epic.
October 18th
Playground Ditty for Rachel
Breeding enemy, a form of insanity ; a loathed luxury.
Etonnement ou, Astonishing
Giant cumuli, through blazing afternoon sun Octobre dix-neuf.
October 19th
The Lake Sunlit for CB then a vision in Regent's Sadder at water sunny, lamenting to wind and gull then no more. all gone on AIM
October 24th
Traitor Wilson PM+ KGB Agent
Sniveling bastard (too lazy to speak) avuncular, no leader. Deserved to stop one. MI9 code for...
October 24th
Plage Du Cre'puscule
Je me souviens apres Rimbaud le soleil orange, couchant dans le mer profonde. en Aquitaine
Government Ditty for Paul apres L'Aventura
Peasant Leninist ou, paysan the mentality, unwise to The Bond Market.
Tetes-Mortes Tre'sor cf Beckett (1967) CT Paris Easter 1973 Extrapolating ever higher Public Debt ignores the paying. Brain-Dead Treasury
Ou, Augmentation Fou pour Le Palais de L'Elysee
Extrapolation le plus de la Dette Publique ignore le paiement. cher Macron October 25th/29th
The Inner Caste destroyed in Prussia
Best educated ; there for The Emergency and good gunnery. against treason
October 25th
Disaster Albion cf Air Vice-Marshal DN Kington- Blair-Oliphant Far East Air Force Singapore How dare Blair opine, with catastrophe the rule to the stench of evil. from The Project
October 26th K-B-O (1911-2005) with parents 1953
MI9 Glory cf HMS Glory (R62) aircraft carrier (1942-1956) Singapore 1951-1953 with helicopters We saved Malaya, though America was late betrayed by Wilson for Indo-China. becoming Vietnam
Saturday October 26th then to The Isokon Lawn Rd
The Isobar (Lawn Road) ref the 1930s
Edith Tudor-Hart, The Isokon, Arnold Deutsch flat 7 NKVD recruiter led Blunt to Moscow. The Cambridge Five
October 26th/27th
For Camden Town Hall
Gospel Oak, Islam tangle oxymoronic et demoniaque
Hampstead Again at noon
Apre's Thereza Vittoria, from Lisbon no c studying cancer. immunology
October 27th
Rugg Missionary not Yoko - for Alison
The girl to woman who made the years, did she plan on that achieving.
Fall as in New England
Leaves are falling, grief will come calling as darker the late afternoon.
October 28th 6 am and 9 am
Delusional cf Teatro Olimpico (Palladio c 1580)
Bored of infinite vistae to vision, stair-ing to staring, I flinch.
Atonal clangour to jittery, a screaming poor for Albion.
Call To Prayer after Herbert
Tone of the nation once set by The BBC a drawing room huge concern muezzin jig pre-.
October 29th
The Bankrupters you know who
Dire Statism, following the monster Brown does breed, infantile. or, breeding infantile
How, The War Going after E Thomas
Unconscripted, we could nil imagine hearing that, or the shudder.
Treason Labour Four
Two carter horses heave, pulling on the bloater wagon vers l'abime
October 31st
Being is prayer and more than prayer, joying to tree and ocean.
Nov 6th for October 31st FINIS =====================================
Next Port Of Call
Joan (mother's) C.V. as (Ships) Code Book Corrector, Petty Officer.
November 7th
ex starting as a Wren (Signals) serving in The Battle Of The Atlantic. Prose summa to go up top right on bar, derived from my late mother's Scrapbook (WW II). Her key proposer for her role in the Battle was The Bishop of Ripon, to start on a very demanding five to six month course that began in Hampstead....
suffice to say, top deck security clearance was vital. By war's end, she had become an Officer in an HMS based in Herford, Herefordshire...no more to be said